I'm riding a hand cycle from St. Louis to Washington D.C. on April 28th to promote awareness for
Spinocerebellar Ataxia while raising money for physically disabled children to participate in sports
through Disabled Athletes Sports Association.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!

Some of our friends were kind enough to throw a rummage sale fundraiser this morning, which we took part in. Unfortunately the weather did NOT cooperate, and it was chilly and rainy and wet all morning. So despite waking up at the crack of dawn, battling the wind and rain, and one very giant box of free donuts, we only had a small handful of customers.

But, we raised a fair amount of money for Allen's trip thanks to several generous people who came by to shop. And, our new friend Crystal, who also has Friedreich's Ataxia, came by all the way from High Ridge after reading the newspaper article, to meet Allen and support our sale! She and Allen talked for a long time and exchanged information and talked about possibly going cycling together after he returns from his trip. She's actually the first person Allen has met personally that has Friedreich's! We're looking forward to talking to her again soon.

All in all, it was pretty fun, despite the unruly weather and lack of customers. We relaxed and had fun with our friends, and gorged ourselves on donuts. :)

We're considering having another fundraiser rummage/garage sale soon. We are also going to be planning a poker tournament and some other fundraisers after Allen leaves on his trip. We still have a long way to go towards our goal of $10,000 raised for Disabled Athletes Sports Association. But I have faith we'll get there, eventually...and hopefully before Allen finishes! So, make sure you subscribe to this blog so we can keep you posted on our upcoming poker tournament and other fundraisers!

- Andrea

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